Butterflies, Birds and Black Abalone Make for One Wild Week!

Wild Equity had one exciting week hosting fun-filled events that helped bring awareness about the plight of our imperiled species. Thank you to all who came out last week to support our work and help advance our mission!

Here are the highlights of the week:

On Thursday, we headed out to the Antioch Dunes with the National Park Service and Tatzoo to partake in a Lange’s Metalmark Butterfly count. We were fortunate enough to spot 11 Metalmark Butterflies and several other native species including the Western Pygmy Blue, the world’s smallest butterfly. It was a wonderful time. Thank you to Tatzoo for organizing to save the Metalmark!

Searching for the Lange’s Metalmark Butterfly.

Lange’s Metalmark Butterfly, Photo © Liam O’Brien.

After a full day of hiking and butterfly counting, we joined SF Environment to host a film night where we showed The Big Year, a film inspired by the true story of three avid birders who embark on a yearlong bird-spotting competition. We had a significant turnout, met a lot of new faces, watched a cool movie, and best of all, inspired others to sign-up for the GGNP Endangered Species Big Year.

Don’t miss out on more adventures coming up in September. There are still species to save and prizes to win!

Enjoying refreshments and good conversation before the film starts.

On Saturday, Wild Equity headed out to Fort Funston to scout for endangered sea creatures. Several enthusiastic people excited about seeing some marine life joined us. The fog was thick, but that didn’t stop us from seeing Surf Scoter, Common Murre, Double-crested Cormorant, Red-tailed Hawk, Raven, Whimbrel, Heermann’s Gull and a dolphin!

At Fort Funston searching for marine sea creatures.

On Sunday we trekked over to Muir Woods to help the National Park Service restore riparian habitat for the endangered Steelhead trout and Coho Salmon. We had a blast removing invasive species in Redwood Creek, learning about the area and working with other wildlife enthusiasts. We even had a chance to search for Black Abalone, a species critically declining from overfishing, habitat destruction and withering syndrome.

Fight poaching to save the Black abalone: Ask public officials to fund game wardens and record it as a conservation action item for the GGNP Endangered Species Big Year.

At Redwood Creek restoring habitat for the endangered Steelhead Trout and the Coho Salmon.

Brent Plater searching for Black Abalone.

Thank you to all who joined us this past week to help make a difference in the environment and protect our most precious wildlife.

There are many ways you can contribute to the Wild Equity Institute’s campaigns and help us build a stronger environmental movement for all. Become a member, donate or volunteer today!

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