Building Community at Pier 94

Despite the cold weather, a group of 20 Wild Equity volunteers enjoyed a morning of planting and weeding with Jonathan Barber from Golden Gate Audubon on Saturday at Pier 94. Pier 94 is home to the endangered California Seablite. This rare plant was reintroduced to the area after it was discovered the plant, once abundant, was found only in Morro Bay.

Intently listening to planting instructions.

We pulled weeds of invasive species and transferred a total of 500 young Yarrow, Red Fescue, and Western Blue-Eyed Grass plants into the ground. The volunteers included several high school students earning community service hours for graduation.

When the restoration of Pier 94 began over ten years ago, volunteers were hauling away old tires and scrap metal. Today, volunteers enjoy a much different experience. On Saturday, volunteers paused to see pelicans, sandpipers, and avocets. The students were especially excited to come across an earthworm. This presented a wonderful opportunity to discuss the importance of worms to soil health. When we volunteer at Pier 94 we are doing more than restoring habitat, we are building community.

Please support Wild Equity’s commitment to building stronger communities by becoming a member today! And check the calendar for the next restoration day at Pier 94.

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